Right To Vote, a campaign group of Conservative MPs, sent a letter to over 600 Conservative Associations across the UK and also to the Prime Minister, asking for support with their call to delay the Brexit process.
With the Chair of Right To Vote available for interview there was no better person to speak on behalf of the group and discuss their concerns over Brexit. We approached top tier national news broadcasters across TV and radio at the earliest opportunity and then broadened this out to quality regional radio, as this outreach was also key for our client. Knowing how quickly things can change in news, especially politics news, we adopted a flexible schedule that would allow for last minute, adhoc changes but with maximum coverage results.
In broadcast terms we reached over 35 million people across the UK, securing 58 broadcast items across radio and TV including Sky News, BBC Radio 5 Live, LBC, Politics Live on BBC Two and BBC South News.
We also reached over 100 million readers online by securing a mention on BBC News Online.