SSAFA – Military Adoption
Adopting a child can be a feat of endurance, even for the rich and famous. So how can our military heroes find the time and space needed to go through the process when they’re busy saving us all by working on the frontline? The Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen Family Association run an adoption service helping military families adopt or start a family.
For such a niche subject and audience, we wanted to complete an in-depth radio day, and focus our efforts on those who would most benefit from SSAFAs service. This included researching all local military bases across the country, speaking to the local radio stations in those areas and targeting specialist media.
Jill Farrelly, the adoption team manager at SSAFA and a case study couple spoke to some amazing radio stations, including BBC Sussex and Surrey, BBC Radio Solent, BFBS, BBC Radio Scotland and the icing on the cake, BBC Radio 5 Live. The messaging went out to nearly 9 million people in total.