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If broadcast is a key element for your PR campaign, understanding the landscape and knowing where your story lives is crucial.

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Top of the Radio Pops

The RAJAR Quarter 4 2023 figures are out and it’s good news for commercial radio.

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I’m sure you’ll recall our moment to address all things GB News, uncovering the highs and lows of the new channel and even finished with a cliff-hanger hinting at the spawn of TalkTV.

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After an almost two-year pandemic-enforced hiatus, the RAJAR figures are finally OUT and it’s been a long-awaited reckoning for the whole industry.

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The times they are a-changin’ at the Beeb, as they bid adieu to three titans of radio, leaving loyal listeners singing the blues.

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What is Broadcast PR?

What exactly is Broadcast PR?

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A Celebration of Radio!

It’s World Radio Day! To mark an occasion of such importance to us here at ON, I thought I’d share a bit about the history of World Radio Day – with some musings from the team about why we think radio deserves to be celebrated!

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I still haven’t decided if I chose the best or worst time in the world to move to Madrid in January, but that’s what I did when I left ON Broadcast for 7 months, when… Read more »

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ON’s Life in Lockdown

With the pandemic and subsequent lockdown putting a spanner in the works of our normal daily routines, we’ve all had to adapt to a new way of life and, perhaps most jarring a new way of working.

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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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From Theory to Practice

After excelling my skills in ordering coffee at Starbucks and doing laundry at some of my previous “work experiences”, interning at ON-Broadcast has been one of the most exciting and educational opportunities to date.

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Research among national media reveals Twitter, Insta and Facebook are now the most important source for news Journos’ biggest gripe about PRs: they don’t understand what a story is PRs told: carry on floating stunts… Read more »

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Every Friday in the office we collate a Spotify playlist which has a theme relating to current events, news or anything we can think of that’s timely.

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When initially tasked with the challenge of writing my first blog piece for ON, I struggled to think of ways that I could talk about my experience of starting a new job.

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My Great Auntie Pat

Some jobs naturally lend themselves to be a benefit for friends and family; mostly trade jobs I’d say. Locksmith, electrician, plumber… everyone could do with a family plumber! A family PR though? Not so much.

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Love Island Lull?

Big Brother was axed, the X Factor was on its last legs and it seemed the UK was sick of reality shows. That was until the UK found a new show that was “100% their type on paper”.

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The Age of Outrage

You don’t have to look very hard to find the ‘Outrage of the Day’ story in the media these days. It’s usually accompanied by aggressive comments from Piers Morgan attached as evidence of said “outrage”…. Read more »

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It’s not a new phenomenon… brands attempting to   be ‘down with the kids’ in order to infiltrate that pesky 16-25 market, but when do these multi-million pound companies cross line between from cringe-worthiness to pure… Read more »

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Europe: The Final Countdown

With only 10 days left until the UK is set to leave the EU, clients are increasingly facing tough decisions such as whether or not to hit the brakes, rein in budgets and take cover… Read more »

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Eye of the Storm

Since being at ON I’ve worked on several projects and stories for which we’ve secured coverage that can only be described as stratospheric. Since being at ON I’ve worked on several projects and stories for… Read more »

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PRnormal Activity

Accepting the offer wasn’t scary because I didn’t want the job (I really wanted it), it was scary because I didn’t want to mess it up. Everyone at the office was scarily talented and the… Read more »

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Rise of the Eco Warriors

I’m still a fledgling PR, but I’ve been here long enough now to notice that something funny happens every now and then when the ON team works on a story that really resonates with one… Read more »

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My hiatus from broadcast PR to immerse myself into the world of motherhood, lasted all of 6 very hard but joyous years.

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Recently I was invited to film behind-the-scenes for the Frontline Pet Care Real Pets Campaign, with none other than the Fairy-Gok-Mother (Gok Wan) and as soon as I saw the brief, I knew this would… Read more »

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My Rookie Season in PR

Basketball consumes quite a lot of my natural life in terms of playing and watching, so it’s only right to speak of my first real stint in this industry and create a basketball/PR parallel, just… Read more »

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As the year naturally unwinds and comes to an end, and the advent of a New Year looms ever closer, we take a retrospective look back at the year that was 2017. We’ll reminisce at… Read more »

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Broadcast State Of Mind

In recent years the media industry has been battling a pretty brutal man-cold. Not the kind that knocks you for six and stops you performing your A-Game, the kind that just niggles and annoys you… Read more »

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The sunsets are getting earlier, the morning’s darker and Parliament has returned from summer break! It’s been an interesting few months, offices half deserted as everyone tag teams jaunts abroad, while David Cameron has been knocking… Read more »

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A year ago, I started at ON Broadcast. A fresh off the boat jobless Australian journalist, turning the tables and testing the waters of PR in a brand new country and a brand new media… Read more »

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This particular publicist had a bit of a weird time on social media recently. A (sweary) tweet, casually written and thoughtlessly sent out on the morning of the US Election result, went viral. I’m normally… Read more »

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89%* of people across Europe watch TV every week and clock up over 3.5** hours viewing a day on average. However, does television hold the sway it once did now that the world has gone… Read more »

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I was a fan of Michael Parkinson growing up. I loved his interview technique and when I was on my first journalism course I was fortunate enough to meet him. One of his number one… Read more »

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Well, what a weird couple of weeks we’ve had in the world of news. In a decade and a half in my previous life as a journalist, I never saw such a busy and changeable… Read more »

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When I made the decision to bid farewell to Australia and move to London I knew I would be diving head first into a much bigger media pond. As a Sydney radio journalist one of… Read more »

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Shifting from journalism to PR is a huge jump. I’ve spent more than a decade answering annoying calls with “Can you stick that in an email please? Oh, you have already… yeah, I’ll get back… Read more »

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A bit over month ago I went on a road trip, and I eagerly checked in whenever I could on what seemed like France’s worst WIFI spots. We finally reached our destination in the Dordogne,… Read more »

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2015: UK Election year. One that could provide more surprises and upsets than the British electorate has ever seen: UKIP, the SNP, multiple party coalitions, sneaky deals and last minute scandal: it’s all possible, even… Read more »